
More Randomness

Just cleaned out my linen closet upstairs. It looks so much better! I'm procrastinating before I start the next project. How better to procrastinate than to post on my blog?

Courtney and I chose to help Ed clean out the garage for his Father's day gift. I have some before pictures, but we're far from done, so no after pictures just yet. I'll post them when we are done.

I planted a few vegetables in some pots on the back patio this year. It's kind of exciting to see to see the little veggies emerge.


Cute little beans don't you think?!


On Sunday, Ed and I went to the Woodruff Place Home and Garden Tour. It was a beautiful day to stroll through the quiet neighborhood. The houses ranged from a small bungalow to over 7,800 square feet. Several of them had carriage houses as well. Some of the houses had been completely remodeled, others were in the process. One home was completely gutted except for an area at the back of the house that had been completed for the family to live in. There were a lot of people from the neighborhood walking around and visiting in the houses. It seemed like a very friendly neighborhood and they have lots of activities going on. There weren't many houses for sale in the neighborhood, but there were a few that looked like they were in need of a major remodel. I don't know that we have the energy to do that kind of project anymore.

I hardly took any photos. When there are so many people milling around I feel wierd pulling out my camera. I loved these concrete stepping stones.


They would be fun to make and create a colorful walking path and add some character. You could tell that the person who owned this house was artistic.

How about this relaxing scene? (That is a carriage house you see in the background behind the fence.)


Wouldn't that be a great place to get lost in a book? We headed home to relax in our own hammock instead.

Work was crazy and very busy the last few days. I actually agreed to work an extra day this week and now I'm thinking I was nuts to do so. It did get me out of working my holiday on Saturday though!

Ok, enough procrastinating, off to clean some more.


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