Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts


Photo Editing Video

I just purchased a video that teaches one photographers photo editing system. It's about two hours in length, so I have just watched the whole thing one time and tried her process on this photo of Nathan and Mary. Here is the before, straight out of the camera version:


Here is the after editing version:


Love this editing process, but more importantly - don't you just want to kiss on those sweet cheeks?!!

Off to edit more photos.


Wedding Season is Upon Us

We were privileged to attend a wedding of a family friend on Saturday. It was a beautiful sunny day, although a little on the cool side. (It poured down rain here on Sunday, so I was very thankful the previous day was so nice.)


We have know Taylor since the early 90's. It's been fun to watch him grow up and find the woman he wants to share his life with.


His brother, Brandon, gave a very nice toast.


Nicole and "Peanut." I can't believe how grown up she looked. Such a beauty! The two youngest sisters were flower girls in the wedding. They looked like little angels, so adorable.


The bride dared her grandpa to sing at the reception. He had sung this song to her for many years. I can't even remember the song, and he couldn't carry a tune, but it was so sweet that he showed his love for her in this very public way!



I think these pictures are funny. They are being so prim and proper - not how you usually see couples feeding each other their first bite of cake.

I was curious as to why the "feeding of the cake" was a part of the reception, so I looked it up. I found this information at Suite 101.

One such tradition is the shared cutting of the cake and the bride and groom feeding each other. It was once thought that if the newlywed couple did not hold hands and share in the cutting of the cake that they would be doomed to be childless. Thus, the cutting of the cake together will insure fertility supposedly. Today, couples cut the first slice to signify the sharing of their lives together. The actual act of the bride and the groom feeding each other their wedding cake dates back to the Ancient Greeks. The Greeks would bake a cake for the bride and the groom made out of honey and sesame seeds. This cake would only be eaten by the couple and it symbolized the new bond that was created between them. Also, the sesame seeds were considered a sign of fruitfulness, so that the more the couple ate on their wedding day the more fertile they would be and have many children.

South Shore Weddings had an interesting tidbit to add.

The bride and groom feed each other a taste of cake to symbolize the sharing of life's bounty. A small bit of icing on his face foretells a "rich and sweet life"; his face smeared with icing, "trouble."

So there you have it, the reason behind the tradition.


Some friends from Iowa, the Nehrus', came to the wedding as well. It was really fun to spend time with them, as well as several other longtime friends, over the course of the weekend.

I never seem to get all the pictures I want of people. I definitely need to be more purposeful in getting the shots.

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