Showing posts with label Drew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drew. Show all posts


Obviously Auntie Court was NOT Sharing Well on Saturday!

Mark and Rosie came to visit on Saturday. We hadn't seen Drew since before Thanksgiving, so were excited to spend some time with him. Courtney and Nicole came over later that day. Don't you just love the feel of a baby snuggling up on you? My sister in law, Adele, made this blanket for Drew. You can't see them, but there are sailboat designs in the blanket. Isn't it beautiful?


I love how Drew was hanging on to her hair.


One of his classic looks is with his eyebrows all scrunched up. Looks like he has something weighty on his mind.


Drew was NOT happy that Auntie Court was stopping his feeding while he was still hungry - and she just laughed at him! So not nice Auntie Court!


Can you believe how Courtney was hanging on to Drew and not sharing him with others?

All dressed up and ready to have his picture taken, then we needed to take a short break to attend to matters ...


Love this little cutie!


This little guy has been having issues with GERD, so has had some frustrating, painful days. Mark and Rosie seem to have found positions and techniques that have given him quite a bit of relief, along with some medicine that has been settling down his stomach so he is able to eat and sleep more comfortably. Just yesterday he weighed in at 10 lbs 3 oz! He's growing like a weed and has outgrown newborn clothes because of his length.

Stay tuned, I have a lot more pictures to get posted!


Two Famous Little Dudes

Check out Fox 59 Tonight at 10 p.m.

Rosie always wanted to live close to family when they started having their own family. They actually had started that family right before moving back to Indiana. Her sister, Emily, was also having another baby here in Indiana - and her due date was just 3 days later than Rosie. Fast forward almost 9 months to this....


Two sisters having their babies just one hour and 8 minutes apart!! Emily had come up to visit Rosie and ended up staying in the hospital herself. Which led to this....


Their sister, Kate, emailed several local TV stations and set up this interview.


This guy was so nice. It was a very relaxed interview, even with the whole room full of family. This one minute segment aired on Wish TV last night. (see previous post) They had another interview today with Fox 59, which will air tonight. And just so you can see how cute he is, here are a few more shots. Drew and his Papa.


And Auntie Courtney.


This little guy will not have a shortage of Aunties and Uncles to spoil him!!

On the News!

Rosie and her sister Emily and families made the evening news. Check it out.


Middle of the Night Phone Calls

You know how you hate to get those phone calls in the middle of the night? It usually means some type of emergency. Well, I got one of those yesterday. I thought it was 8:05 am (that's what happens when you are 50, don't have your glasses on and are awakened from a dead sleep) when in actuality it was 4:05 am. And it was Mark. With this news....


Andrew James had been born at 3:16 am!! We weren't expecting to hear this call for another week or so.


Momma, Daddy and baby are doing great!


He's just perfect in every way.


In the morning he seemed to sleep with one eye open so he could keep up with all the action around him, but later in the day he was opening both his beautiful little eyes and checking everything out.


Aunt Ginger wanted to see his whole little body, so they unwrapped him. Uncle Dan was amazed at how small his little body was compared to his great big hand! Andrew's legs are pretty long for such a little guy. Did you notice his great big feet?! He has big hands and long fingers to match!

It was a very exciting and busy day for Rosie's family. Her sister Emily, who was due with another little boy just three days after Rosie, delivered at the same hospital just a little over an hour after Rosie!! Rosie's mom was kept busy running back and forth. Here's little Jake and Drew.


And the happy family last night.


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