A Very Exciting Day
Today Ed is the proud owner of a dream come true!
His dream come true.
Ever since I have known him, which is a really long time, he has always talked about some day owning a Corvette. Well now he does.
Isn't it a sweet color blue!
It's a 1992 and has less than 32,000 miles on it. He brought it home last night in the rain. Both girls went with us to pick it up and Courtney rode back to her house with Ed. They were excited to see the new toy!
He drove it to work today. The sun was shining bright on his way home so he had the top down. We went for a spin tonight on some country roads. We are anxious to have a few nice days this fall to go for a longer drive.
So Nathan, you aren't going to have to wait for Papa to get his sports car all put back together to go for a ride with him. You just have to wait until you can sit in the front seat :)