

I bought some limes today when I was at the grocery store. I thought I'd try one of the centerpiece ideas I posted a few weeks ago.


Let's just say they look better in the pictures. I definately need more practice/instruction on flower arranging also.

Ed was gone in England last week. I had plans to get a lot of sewing done, but I only got one project finished. I just didn't seem to have the motivation to get the other ones done. Lots of plans though.


The legs on these pj pants are a little wide. I have material to make Courtney a pair, so will decrease the diameter a little. The material and pattern are from Amy Butler.

I think today was the warmest day we have had so far this year - just couldn't seem to keep the house cool this afternoon. I'm so very thankful for air conditioning!

Off to work in the morning.


Nicole June 24, 2009 at 12:17:00 AM EDT  

Mom, you're being too modest because I am rather enjoying those limes and I think your arrangement looks splendid! And cute pj pants!

RosebudWitt June 24, 2009 at 7:26:00 AM EDT  

my dear mother in law, I love those pants!!!!! your skills simply amaze me. May I put in a request to have some of those as a christmas present?

mmncgrand June 24, 2009 at 8:41:00 AM EDT  

Who were the pj's for. They are really cute. Liked the arrangement too.

Matt and Sonya June 25, 2009 at 3:27:00 PM EDT  

I LOVE the limes in your flower arrangement! I'll have to try that :)

Deb June 29, 2009 at 8:28:00 PM EDT  

Mom, these are my pj's. Don't you recognize my feet?!

Rosie, this fabric selection or just the style?

RosebudWitt July 1, 2009 at 12:51:00 PM EDT  

Hey Mom Witt,
The fabric is great and so is the style. So, whatever is easiest for you would be outstanding! I'll try not to get my hopes up in case you end up not having the time because I feel like it would take forever to have to do another pair!

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