
Sunday Catch Up

I'm watching the Eagles/Cardinals playoff game. Lets just say that the Eagles will have to step it up a little if they hope to make it to the Superbowl. Now, I'm not a real loyal fan of any one team. I cheer for the Colts because I live in Indy. I cheer for the Bears because that is Ed's team. I cheer for the Raiders because that is Mark's team. I cheer for the Eagles because that is Matt's team. Since the Eagles are the only ones still in the running, I am hoping they can continue on to the Superbowl. And a clarification on the adoring fans - Sonya is the only true adoring Eagle's fan! I found these sweatshirts that were the boys years ago and thought she would like to have them. Rosie and Nicole were just trying them on for size.

On to catching up. I found this plate that is made up of tightly folded and rolled magazines. The colors go great in the kitchen, so I think it will be a part of the wall display in there somewhere.

I have been trying to take a picture a day for 2009. I kind of fizzled out later in 2008, so we'll see if I can do better this year. Some of the pictures haven't been anything too exciting, so I haven't posted here each day. But here is yesterday's photo. I spent several hours yesterday getting homework done for our sunday school class today. We are studying the book of Joshua in sunday school and the book of Revelation in church. I really enjoyed spending that time preparing myself for church today.

I got my hair trimmed the other day. Her shop is right by the quilt shop, so of course I have to stop in and see what's new. I was inspired to do a sewing project. So I spent Friday cutting fabrics and sewing them back together.

Here is the finished product.

We bought a purse similar to this when Nicole and I were touring Italy. It's a great catch all size and slings over your shoulder. I'm anxious to use it on an upcoming trip. It will also be a great size for carrying my camera around to get daily pictures.


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