

That's what I am - exhausted. Heading to bed soon.

I failed to take a picture on Monday - had a long day at work and no desire to take a picture when I got home. Had another exhausting day on Tuesday - the hospital is full, so as soon as we discharged a patient, we admitted a new one. And all the patients are sooooo needy right now! It's also a full moon tonight, and it definately seems to affect our patients when it is! Anyway, I got home late from work Tuesday night, ate an orange and a cheese stick and went right to bed. Can you read the time on the alarm clock? 8:42pm.

I worked an extra 8 hours today since we were so short staffed. Nicole was excited when I came home from work, she's been waiting for this time of year. Luckily her favorite cookie is not mine, so I don't have a ton of my favorite cookies sitting around to tempt me.


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